Hello! I have always wanted to help others and feel blessed to have led a life thus far that has primarily been one of helping others. I have a BSC (Hons) Psychology degree and diplomas in Life Coaching and Counselling, both SFTR accredited. I have over the years gained voluntary work experience with Mind and worked as a Relationship Counsellor for Relate.

My passion and interest for alternative ways of healing and helping others led me to become an Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Medium, both certified by Doreen Virtue. I also became a Reiki Master and Teacher. I have worked for years helping others, primarily by facilitating and offering Energy healing work, and also bringing through Divine guidance to assist people on their healing paths.

With my conscious communication with Spirit expanding and my trust in my inner knowing deepening, I began to do my best to consciously follow the guidance of my Higher Self. I readily began to do what felt right, even when I didn’t know why, or where I was heading. I increasingly knew the truth as to my reason for being incarnated at this time and dedicated myself to being consciously aligned with the priorities of my Higher Self.

I had realised as it continued and was told by Spirit that my ultimate path of service was something I hadn’t seen coming or expected. That all I had trained for and experienced was leading me to this, to this healing and balancing of my Being. A healing and releasing of all remaining traumatic and low vibrational energies from five lifetimes where my Soul Aspect had connected and met with her Twin Flame. Through this process I have also brought back into balance my Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within. I was then to use all my experience and information from my own healing path and my former healing and coaching roles in a role of service to help others do the same, which is what I do now.

I also have experience and knowledge of the walk-in and soul merge topic and assist others going through this with energy work and coaching. I can also assist those feeling affected or upset by another’s walk-out experience. Some twin flames are coming in as a walk-in, in order to reconnect with their twin flame.

Should you feel it is right for you – I look forward to assisting you on your twin flame path of healing and Oneness.

Amber. xxx