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The Twin Flame Path is not an easy one. It is a path of commitment and courage, a path of flexibility and trust. It involves clearing and healing any residual negative and traumatic energies from previous and current incarnations, that you have shared with your Twin Flame. You may not even be aware of these previous incarnations or maybe you are.

Once enough old negative energies are cleared away you will be open to reconnecting with your Twin Flame in a physical incarnation. Or if already met, you be able to maintain and enjoy a relationship rather than be either terrified, repelled or traumatised by it. If you have already met in this incarnation and your Twin is the one that is struggling to be with you then any healing you do on your end will also help them and your connection tremendously. Once you have healed all at your end, you will ideally feel only compassion and love towards them, no matter what their conscious choices are. Due to the Law of Free Will any soul agreement to meet up at certain times may not always unfold as originally planned. The conscious state, during it’s time prior to reconnecting with the twin flame, may have become more fearful and resistant to any wishes of the Soul. Perhaps even the Soul Aspect itself has been changed and not in the place hoped it would be, on time for a planned reconnection. By doing what you feel to be for your Greater Good and bringing yourself to a healed state then it can only help such situations.

On your journey it may became clear what specific energies need healing, when the traumas occurred and how each one affected the both of you individually on a Soul Aspect level. With this information, you will be able to work on healing those issues within yourself, within your Twin Flame, your connection with your Twin Flame and perhaps also your connection with Spirit. If you aren’t aware of what energies require addressing and healing, then though seeking healing assistance you will more likely be made aware of what you are working on in this incarnation and at this current time. Issues such as Trust, Forgiveness, Abandonment, Worthiness, Betrayal, Faith, Despair, Grief, Fear, etc.

This intense healing path is for those that are potentially on their last incarnation for personal reasons of healing and bringing their Soul Aspect back into balance and harmonious state of well-being. When these personal energies have been healed the Soul is then able to be purely of service to the Oneness, to the Light, whether from Spirit or through physical incarnations.

Connecting physically with your Twin Flame allows you to not only heal your connection between you but then be able to work together in service for the Greater Good. Just by Twin Flames uniting and coming together much is achieved for the Greater Good and it benefits all. Any healing work you do, healing negativity and bringing yourself back in to a more harmonious balanced state of well-being, it is for the Greater Good and benefits all.

Much healing can be done however without having them physically in your life and is perhaps a way of achieving enough healing and forgiveness to prompt them to appear or reappear physically. Both souls involved would not want to intentionally add more negativity to the connection by bringing themselves together too soon. The focus here is not a romantic relationship but unconditional love and the returning to Self. If you are consciously motivated by wanting to meet and be with your Twin Flame or by wanting to be of service to the Oneness, both goals are part of this path.

Releasing those layers of past life energies that are brought up to heal and release, energies you might not be consciously aware of, may often involve reliving to some extent and the emotional pain and grief and anger originally experienced, to assist in the cleansing of your Being of those energies. Some of which may be held in my body and others may come through you directly from your Soul Aspect.

I am able to assist you in taking this path if you choose to. If it is your Higher Self’s will and you wish to be consciously aligned with that will, then my intention is to assist you in doing so.